New Zealand to provide job vacancies for potential immigrants

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A new online service from the New Zealand Government hopes to connect New Zealand employers with skilled people looking for jobs in New Zealand. The service, entitled NetworkZ Online, is expected to begin working in Nov. 2005.

New Zealand employers submit job vacancies and view the profiles of people that match the required skills. Skilled people submit their skills and experience and view the job vacancies that match. The system does this comparison every day. Employers can also search the system to find people with particular skills. Skilled people can search the system to see what kind of job vacancies are available.

NetworkZ Online will provide a network of job vacancies for:

  • Potential skilled migrants - in New Zealand or overseas
  • Returning citizens and residents of New Zealand and Australia, and
  • Anyone else looking for skilled employment in New Zealand who is potentially or already, eligible to work in New Zealand.

It will also provide a network of potential skilled people, from a global pool, for New Zealand employers looking to fill skilled job vacancies.

NetworkZ Online will be accessible through the Immigration New Zealand website or directly at