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US Immigration News

US immigration warns of fraudsters targeting immigrants

16:55 07/10/2013
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has issued a warning about a phone scam being carried out in the US at the moment. The victims are people who are currently waiting for...

US immigration 'hardly impacted' by federal government shutdown

11:58 04/10/2013
A spokesman for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has said that the processing of immigration paperwork should not be greatly affected by the failure of Congress to agree...

US immigration reformers push Obama for executive action

18:42 21/09/2013
Supporters of radical immigration reform in the US are trying to persuade President Obama to use his presidential powers to cut through the 'gridlock' in Washington and introduce immigration reform...

US immigration reform advocates step up the pressure

13:45 15/09/2013, the online pro-immigration pressure group founded by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook and other titans of the IT industry, has held a 'Day of Action' to put pressure on members of the...

Gay spouses can now apply for US family visas

9:16 04/09/2013
The US Supreme Court ruled in June 2013 that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) 1996 is unconstitutional. This means that it is no longer permissible in the US to treat same-sex spouses...

Australians drawn from UK by US immigration's E3 visa

14:15 29/08/2013
US government figures show that an increasing number of Australians are choosing to live and work in the US. British government figures show that, over the same period, fewer Australians have chosen...
