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Bureau of the Census

US Immigration Skyrockets

13:51 01/10/2014
US immigration from Southeast Asia and the Middle East has 'skyrocketed' in the past few years, according to a recent report. The number of Saudis emigrating to the US has doubled between 2010 and...

US interest in 'soccer' caused by immigration and 'moral decay'

14:24 01/07/2014
Right wing columnist Ann Coulter has written an article complaining about the World Cup. Ms Coulter does not approve of the World Cup for a host of ill-thought-through and prejudiced reasons, chief...

US population 300 million on Tuesday, 17 October, 2006

16:38 20/10/2006
The population of the United States hit the 300-million mark officially on 17 October, a milestone set to generate little celebration. Unlike the pomp and circumstance that greeted the 200-million...

US study - Immigrants probably don't take jobs from Americans

17:48 14/08/2006
It has been strongly argued by some interests that the millions of foreigners who have entered the United States over the last decade took jobs from American workers . However, a study released last...

US immigration hits five year high -- study

10:37 13/12/2005
Immigration to the US - both legal and illegal - continues to boom as Congress grapples with how to better control America's borders. A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies found that 7.9...
