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US E2 investor visa for Israelis a step closer now

22:07 03/10/2018
Major Israeli-US E2 visa developments could potentially bring an end to a saga stretching back years. According to media outlets across the Middle Eastern nation, the Knesset Internal Affairs...

Independent films an E2 US visa ticket for foreign investors

10:20 29/05/2018
Increasing investment in independent films is providing foreign investors with a ticket to an E2 treaty investor visa and access to the United States, according to a Forbes report. Purchasing a US...

Privatising Australian visa system could result in access to the country being ‘sold to higher bidder’ union warns

22:27 17/05/2018
Privatising Australian visa system could result in access to the country being ‘sold to higher bidder’ union warns Sanwar Ali Comment: Australia remains an attractive immigration...

US visa success more likely for Chinese nationals than Indians and Trump is making it worse

21:44 26/12/2017
An article published by The Economic Times of India says that Chinese nationals are more likely to gain a US visa than Indian citizens. Based on US visa refusal rates, an Indian national applying for...

11% decline in UK sole representative visa of overseas business granted

19:28 13/12/2017
New figures show that the number of sole representative visa of UK business granted by the UK Visa and Immigration has declined by 11% since Britain voted to leave the European Union. According to...

US L1 visa petitions increase over past two years; new difficulties due to Trump changes

19:30 24/11/2017
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released new data showing that L1 visa petitions in the US grew for fiscal years 2015 and 2016. The L1 visa enables companies to...
