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UK visas issued to one million people in the last year

10:27 31/05/2022
The number of foreign nationals granted a UK visa in the last 12 months has exceeded 1 million, representing the highest ever figure on record. According to official Home Office figures, 994,951 UK...

UK visa wait times double for spouses as skills fears mount

10:12 17/05/2022
UK visa application processing times for spouses wanting to work in Britain have doubled, according to Home Office data. There are now fears that lengthier waiting times for visas could deepen...

UK immigration officers deployed in 25 local authorities

10:26 05/05/2022
A Freedom of Information (FoI) request reported on by The Guardian has revealed that at least 25 UK immigration officers are currently deployed across local authorities in Britain. Child social...

US immigration plan to lure Russian scientists

10:28 04/05/2022
According to White House sources, the Biden administration is aiming to lure some of Russian President, Vladimir Putin’s, top innovators by waiving some US visa requirements for highly educated...

Calls for UK skilled refugee visa to tackle skills shortage

11:46 22/04/2022
A leading online bank has urged the UK government to introduce skilled refugee visas to tackle skills shortages across the tech sector. Zopa Bank, which recently pledged to hire 50 professionals from...

35,000 more US seasonal work visas announced

17:49 07/04/2022
Amid rising demand for temporary workers ahead of the summer season, the Biden administration has announced that an extra 35,000 US seasonal work visas will be made available. Department of Homeland...
