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the Guardian

Immigration policy may cost UK Conservatives power

11:30 22/04/2014
A respected political commentator has warned that the UK's Conservative Party, headed by Prime Minister David Cameron, may lose power at the next election in 2015 because it's policies are unpopular...

Australian immigration say student visa applications up

18:32 19/03/2014
More than 74,000 international students applied for Australian student visas in the three months to September 2013, according to Australian immigration. This is the highest figure for four years and...

UK minister blames Indian press for fall in student visas

12:06 04/03/2014
David Willetts, the UK's science minister, has blamed a fall in the number of students coming to study in the UK from the Indian sub-continent on the 'lively' press in India and Pakistan. Mr Willetts...

England cricket writers forced to leave Australia by visa expiry

16:44 11/02/2014
Three English cricket writers were forced to leave Australia before the end of England's disastrous cricket tour because their visas had expired. The men, John Etheridge of The Sun, Paul Newman of...

UK MPs say asylum system is 'under strain'

14:52 18/10/2013
A committee of MPs has warned that the UK's asylum system is 'overburdened and under severe pressure'. The Home Affairs Committee scrutinises the work of the Home Office which employs immigration...

Migrant workers 'treated like slaves' in Qatar

14:02 02/10/2013
A report into the conditions of migrant workers helping Qatar prepare for the football World Cup in 2022 has found that they are being treated like slaves. Some have had their passports taken away by...
