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Human migration

Biden's Climate Program & Immigration Reforms: Analysis

23:40 30/08/2023
By Sanwar Ali : President Biden's new climate program, part of his administration's commitment to tackle climate change, has potential implications for US immigration policies. The interrelation...

Guide to L1 Visa for Entrepreneurs

20:06 27/07/2023
By Sanwar Ali : The entrepreneurial journey is filled with opportunities and challenges. For a global entrepreneur, it is important for many to expand their business in the large American market...

Top 10 Alternatives to the H-1B Visa for Working in America

23:01 25/07/2023
By Sanwar Ali : The H-1B visa is a popular route for foreign professionals looking to work in the United States, but with stringent requirements and a cap of 85,000 on the number of visas granted...

UK's New Visa Rules: Impact on Five Nations

20:44 21/07/2023
By Sanwar Ali : The United Kingdom is tightening up immigration controls by bringing in visa requirements for visitors from five specific countries. The decisions were made, apparently, due to...

New Conservatives' Call for Reducing Immigration: Overview

22:44 10/07/2023
By Sanwar Ali : Index: The New Conservatives' Plan for Reducing Immigration The Implications of Reducing Immigration The Political Context of Immigration Control The Impact of Brexit on Immigration...

The UK Golden Visa: Pavel Fuks and Tier 1 Visa Scheme

23:13 04/07/2023
By Sanwar Ali : Table of Contents The Golden Visa: An Introduction Pavel Fuks: The Man in the Spotlight The Allegations Against Fuks The Tier 1 Investor Visa Scheme: Widely used by Criminals?...
