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Illegal immigration to the United Kingdom

UK campaign telling immigrants to 'go home' was not offensive

16:41 10/10/2013
The UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled that an advertising campaign run by the UK government telling illegal immigrants to 'go home or face arrest' was not offensive or...

UK minister rules out illegal immigration amnesty

11:46 03/10/2013
The UK's Home Secretary, Theresa May MP, has said that the UK has no intention of granting an amnesty to illegal immigrants currently in the country. She says that this would 'send out the wrong...

London Mayor calls for unlimited UK immigration from Australia

15:35 30/08/2013
Boris Johnson, the colourful mayor of London, has used his weekly column in UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph to call for Australians and New Zealanders to be given the same rights to live and work in...

UK government split by illegal immigration ad campaign

10:49 30/07/2013
A recent advertising campaign run by the UK's Home Office has caused a public disagreement between senior ministers in the UK's Coalition government. The campaign, which ran for a week and ended on...

Boris Johnson says UK should give amnesty to illegal immigrants

13:57 05/07/2013
The mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has backed a plan to give an amnesty to illegal immigrants who have been in the UK for twelve years or more. Mr Johnson was speaking on London news radio station...

UK judges attack government over cuts to legal aid for migrants

12:56 17/06/2013
The UK's legal establishment has united in condemnation of plans by the government to limit the right of some immigrants to the UK to receive legal aid in immigration cases. The UK's Justice...
