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Mexico seeking EU and United Nations support to oppose US security wall

9:56 10/10/2006
• Watch This Video Last week, U.S. President Bush signed a $35 billion homeland security bill that includes $1.2 billion for a security wall along the U.S. -Mexico border to stem illegal immigration...

US passport rules for 2007 delayed by one week

17:05 20/09/2006
• Watch This Video The date when passports will be required for U.S. citizens flying or cruising to Canada, the Caribbean and Mexico has been extended by one week, to 08 January 2007. The earlier...

Australian job growth and economy strong and growing

16:05 15/09/2006
• Watch This Video Australia 's policy of encouraging skilled migrants aged 15 to 34 is ensuring more Australian tax payers to support the retired, with this age group now making up more than 70% of...

US town sued over strict immigration law

19:55 12/09/2006
• Watch This Video Civil rights campaigners have filed to sue the Pennsylvania town of Hazleton, seeking to block one of America's toughest local laws against illegal immigrants. The suit says...

New passport requirements for the United States

15:07 12/09/2006
• Watch This Video This summer the United States has begun the first serious rollout of electronic passports and visas, with biometric data encrypted on RFID memory chips. By the end of this year,...

Immigration fails to stem European population loss

10:00 21/08/2006
• Watch This Video Three million people a year migrate from developing countries to industrialized nations, a population research group said today as it announced its annual findings. Almost half of...
