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Nearly 80% of new UK graduates in nursing face unemployment

12:00 30/06/2006
In a survey of 20 British universities, a stunning four out of five new graduates in nursing have been found to not have a job prospect available as they approach graduation at the end of this summer...

US demand continues for nurse practitioners and support staff

14:52 26/06/2006
Nurse Practitioners (NP's) are Registered Nurses (RN's) with specialized training and advanced degrees . A trend has been developing in the health care field for these persons to take on more and...

Nurses take hospitals to US court for competitive pay

15:26 21/06/2006
In the middle of a critical shortage of nursing staff in the United States, it is being alleged that major hospital chains have been conspiring to depress salaries for nurses for years. A class-...

Nurses and midwives see high demand in the US

12:43 01/06/2006
Many families in the US have decided to birth their children at home in recent years. Conventional hospital births have become expensive with dramatically rising medical costs in the US and have...

Immigrant Nurses in High Demand in Western Countries

12:05 10/05/2006
An acute nursing shortage in Western nations continues to worsen as the population's age. Foreign-educated nurses emigrating to meet this demand are commanding premium salaries and priority visa...

Philippines losing 15,000 nurses each year

11:09 10/04/2006
At least 15,000 nurses and other medical professionals are leaving the Philippines each year for better-paying jobs abroad, threatening the country's health infrastructure, World Health Organization...
