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Southern California

Australia continues searching world for skilled migrants

18:11 23/01/2006
From the small town of Toowoomba near Australia's Gold Coast, Dennis Davey is searching the world for people to work in his 200-person engineering company. The Los Angeles Times reports. He has...

150,000 Germans left Germany in 2004, highest since 1940s

14:26 02/01/2006
Germans are leaving their country in record numbers, but unlike previous waves of migrants who fled 19th century poverty or 1930s Nazi terror, these modern day refugees are trying to escape a new...

Immigrants not hurting US health care system: study

15:40 26/07/2005
A report released on 25 July found that immigrants are not swamping the U.S. health care system and use it far less than native-born Americans. The study, published in the American Journal of Public...
