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US to require machine readable passports from June

11:50 13/05/2005
Foreign visitors from 27 countries will have to present machine-readable passports at US borders as of June 26 to enter the United States without a visa, officials said. Travelers from the so-called...

Most Europeans may soon need to apply for US visit visas

14:17 04/04/2005
Many Europeans will need to apply for a visit visa to visit America later this year after the US Congress said that there was little chance of postponing a deadline for the introduction of biometric...

Report criticizes EU asylum policies

15:44 17/01/2005
A leading human rights watchdog has accused the European Union and its member states of neglecting the rights of asylum seekers in their migration and anti-terrorism polices, the website EU Observer...

Changes to passport requirements for entry to the US

15:41 12/10/2004
Starting Oct. 26 this year, each person wishing to visit the United States must have either a Machine Readable Passport (MRP) and a visa waiver form or a valid visa issued by U.S. authorities before...

Incoming Visitors to US Face Heightened Security Checks

10:16 01/10/2004
Entry points across the US have begun 'biometric' security checks on business travellers and vacationers entering the country. This new security measure, in which the incoming traveler is...

Netherlands - Work permits to be scrapped for high-earning ex-pats

15:28 21/09/2004
Non-EU nationals who want to work in the Netherlands might not need work permits in the future if they will earn more than EUR 45,000/year. This plan is set to come into effect on 1 October 2004 and...
