United Kingdom European Union membership referendum

Brexit Supporter Slams 'Unlimited' UK Immigration of EU Migrants

13:45 23/06/2016
John Longworth, the former Director-General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), has slammed UK immigration policy for allowing an 'unlimited' supply of migrant labour from the European Union (...

Brexit campaigners draft Australian-style UK immigration policy

9:03 14/06/2016
Leading Brexit campaigners have drafted plans for an Australian-style, points-based immigration system, should the UK public vote to leave the European Union (EU). A referendum will be held in...

UK immigration: Non-EU financial service sector workers in demand

12:50 09/01/2016
According to SJD Accountancy, the UK financial services sector needs more non-EU workers due to a worsening skills shortage. The increase in demand has occurred at a time when recruiters across the...

Cameron to get tough on UK immigration following UKIP victory

17:56 27/10/2014
UK Prime Minister David Cameron and Leader of the Conservative Party says he wants to to restrict immigration from the EU. However, there is uncertainty on how this could be done. Free movement of...

Major: Cameron may be able to renegotiate EU immigration rules

9:24 03/06/2014
The former UK prime minister Sir John Major has told the BBC that his successor David Cameron has a good chance of persuading other EU countries that reform of the EU's free movement of labour rules...

Conservative MP says UK needs immigration from EU

13:26 21/05/2014
Robert Buckland, a member of the UK parliament, has written an opinion piece for UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph saying that immigration from the EU to the UK is 'essential' to the future of the UK...
