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United States

US - H-1B Cap 25% Full for FY 2005

12:42 18/06/2004
The quota on United States class H-1B work visas for the fiscal year 2005 has already been one-quarter filled. TheAmerican Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has just provided anupdate on the H-...

NZ - Working Holiday Scheme announced with US

13:20 27/04/2004
The NZIS has announced a new Working Holiday Scheme that allows young citizens of the United States to travel to New Zealand to holiday and work to supplement their travel for a period of up to 12...

USA and EU disagreement over visas

9:32 27/04/2004
New EU member states will not enjoy visa-free travel to the USA anytime soon unlike the "old" EU member states. Of the 15 current members, only Greek citizens must apply for a visa to travel to the...

More Visitors to US will be fingerprinted

17:02 05/04/2004
More people travelling to the United States as visitors will be subjected to systematic fingerprinting and getting their photograph taken in the wake of tougher new border control laws. These rules...

EU - Residence permits to be scrapped for EU nationals

16:27 12/03/2004
EU directive was yesterday adopted by the European Parliament that will make living in other EU countries easier for nationals of EU member states. new law comes into effect in 2006, and stipulates...

UK - Work Permit Fees Will Rise

14:43 10/03/2004
Beginning June 2004, fees for UK employers applying for work permits for foreign employees will be increased. This increase should save UK taxpayers more than £30 million per year, according to the...
