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United States of America

American Bangladesh awarded

12:42 29/10/2008
During a United States citizenship ceremony held at George Mason University, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Acting Director Jonathan Scharfen presented Professor Abul Hussam of GMU...

US Green Card DV-2010

13:20 22/10/2008
The United States' Diversity Visa Lottery for 2010 is now open and will close on December 1st. Only about 5 weeks are left to submit a DV-2010 application. Interested applicants are advised not to...

Result from DV-2009

17:48 15/10/2008
Result from DV-2009 2008-10-15

Green Card Lottery (DV-2010)

18:47 17/09/2008
Green Card Lottery (DV-2010) 2008-09-17

Palin on immigration

19:40 10/09/2008
Palin on immigration 2008-09-10

US military citizenship

15:31 10/09/2008
US military citizenship 2008-09-10
