Weekly news update 04 Jan 2006
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13:46 04/01/2006
This week`s video news includes the following stories: the Working Lives Research Institute says a `welcome pack` is needed for immigrants in the UK containing information on issues such as working...
Weekly news update 28 Dec 2005
17:01 28/12/2005
This week`s video news includes the following stories: the European Union is considering ways to attract more skilled, legal imigrants, New Zealand hopes that a change to the way skilled migrants are...
Weekly news update 21 Dec 2005
15:03 21/12/2005
This week`s video news includes the following stories: the US Senate-passed measure to provide additional foreign worker visas for the high-tech and specialty fields was dropped from a budget bill...
Weekly news update 14 Dec 2005
15:03 14/12/2005
This week`s video news includes the following stories: Australia is suffering a skills shortage because fewer young people are entering the trades, but instead want to enter university, new figures...
Weekly news update 07 Dec 2005
19:39 07/12/2005
This week`s video news includes the following stories: manufacturers in the US say they are having trouble finding skilled help, research in Australia finds that new migrants to Australia are finding...