Launches Free AI Sponsor Licence Tool - ChatGPT-4o

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By Sanwar Ali:

Sanwar Ali is the founder of and a pioneer in legal services automation, specialising in AI-enhanced immigration solutions.

London, UK, 16th May 2024:, a leading AI systems and UK international immigration services firm, today announced the launch of their groundbreaking AI-powered sponsor licence system. Harnessing the capabilities of OpenAI's ChatGPT-4o, this free tool is set to redefine how businesses navigate the UK's complex sponsor licence application process. Following the recent OpenAI announcement you should some time soon be able to access the app with a free ChatGPT accountIf you do not already have a paid subscription to ChatGPT and need access urgently, you may need to pay for a subscription at $20 per month.

Democratising Access to Expert Immigration Support

Available for free (subject to availability) to anyone with a ChatGPT account,'s system eliminates financial barriers, making expert immigration guidance accessible to all. This represents a major step towards levelling the playing field for businesses of all sizes seeking to sponsor skilled workers from overseas.

How AI is Revolutionising Sponsor Licence Applications

  • Intelligent Document Analysis: The system reviews uploaded documents, flagging potential issues and ensuring compliance with Home Office requirements.
  • Bespoke Covering Letter Creation: A tailored covering letter is generated based on information provided, meeting Home Office requirements.
  • Streamlined Online Application: The system assists with the online application process, saving valuable time and reducing stress.
  • Real-Time Regulatory Updates: The system continuously updates its knowledge base with the latest immigration rules and regulations, ensuring complete compliance.
  • ChatGPT-4o Integration: OpenAI's cutting-edge language model powers the system, enabling it to provide instant, and personalised advice on demand.

Empowering Businesses

By automating many of the tedious and often confusing aspects of sponsor licence applications, is empowering businesses to focus on their core activities – growing their operations and attracting top global talent.

How to Access the System

Getting started is easy. Simply log into your free (subject to availability) or paid ChatGPT account and access the sponsor licence AI system for free. As this is a new system, we would be grateful for suggestions for improvements:  Please note that while the AI system may be able to carry out a wide variety of tasks, it has been tested mainly to advise and assist in making a sponsor licence application.

A New Era for UK Immigration

The launch of this AI-powered system marks a significant milestone in the evolution of UK immigration services. By harnessing the power of AI, is making expert sponsor licence guidance more accessible, affordable, and efficient than ever before. You are still able to contact us directly for specialist advice and support with your sponsor licence application.

For further enquiries or media requests, please contact:

Sanwar Ali


Mobile: 077996 22200

How Can Help with sponsor Licences

If you need help with employing Skilled Workers and applying for a Sponsor Licence, including complying with your Sponsor Licence obligations, HR responsibilities, etc can help.

For more information and advice, please contact us at 0344 991 9222 or at sends e-mail)