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Alexandria Ocasio

Harris US immigration backlash after Central America trip

12:05 12/06/2021
Kamala Harris’ first international trip as US Vice President sparked a major backlash from Republicans who accused her of not taking the US immigration ‘crisis’ at the southern border with Mexico...

Trump-era US immigration policy kept by Biden until May

10:37 19/04/2021
Sanwar Ali : additional reporting and comments US President Joe Biden has kept a US immigration policy set under his predecessor that restricts refugee admissions to just 15,000 until 15 May 2021...

Abolish US immigration agency and DHS, demands AOC

11:51 25/02/2021
Outspoken congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has demanded that US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) be abolished. AOC’s outburst comes...