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Group of Eight

Trump TV advert attacks Ted Cruz on US immigration stance

16:49 18/02/2016
Donald Trump (referred to as "the glorious leader" in a neo-Nazi website), the billionaire real estate tycoon and frontrunner for the Republican Presidential candidacy, is on the attack when it comes...

Visa issues prevent top IT people from attending Dublin Web Summit

18:17 10/11/2015
Visa problems have prevented international entrepreneurs, employees of tech startups and major tech businesses from attending the annual Web Summit event held in Dublin, Ireland . The Summit, held...

Republicans close door on US immigration reform bill

17:14 19/11/2013
The speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner emerged from a meeting with Republican members of the House (as it is known) on Wednesday 13th November 2013 and told journalists that there...

EU leaders discuss immigration policy at Brussels summit

10:24 04/11/2013
Leaders of EU countries have met in Brussels for a two-day summit. The summit was convened for leaders to discuss the digital economy and data security but leaders of southern and eastern EU...

US immigration reformers push Obama for executive action

18:42 21/09/2013
Supporters of radical immigration reform in the US are trying to persuade President Obama to use his presidential powers to cut through the 'gridlock' in Washington and introduce immigration reform...

Indian MPs lobby US Congress over immigration reform

12:15 07/06/2013
Seven Indian MPs have travelled to Washington to lobby Congressmen about the comprehensive immigration reform act currently being debated by the US Congress. The MPs say that proposed changes to the...
