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Immigration reform

House Republicans back US immigration reform bill

12:35 08/11/2013
Two Republican members of the House of Representatives have endorsed a comprehensive immigration reform act that would radically overhaul the US immigration system. The Act is broadly speaking the...

London mayor is 'only UK politician who is openly pro-immigration'

19:49 04/11/2013
Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, has told an audience at City Hall, the home of London's government, that he is 'probably about the only politician I know of who is actually willing to stand up...

Boehner 'hopeful' that US immigration reform will happen this year

15:07 30/10/2013
The speaker of the US House of Representatives, John Boehner, has said that he is 'hopeful' that 'the House' will pass immigration reform this year. He told journalists on October 23rd 2013, 'I think...

Annoyed Washington Republicans may block US immigration reform

14:04 29/10/2013
The bitter rows between Republicans and Democrats over the US federal government budget and the debt ceiling have ended any hope of comprehensive immigration reform this year, according to a leading...

US immigration reformers push Obama for executive action

18:42 21/09/2013
Supporters of radical immigration reform in the US are trying to persuade President Obama to use his presidential powers to cut through the 'gridlock' in Washington and introduce immigration reform...

US immigration reform advocates step up the pressure

13:45 15/09/2013, the online pro-immigration pressure group founded by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook and other titans of the IT industry, has held a 'Day of Action' to put pressure on members of the...
