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Multi-speed Europe

UK-based international law firms affected by tier 2 immigration rules

16:07 13/10/2015
The Law Society is in agreement with business leaders across London that tough tier 2 visa rules are a threat to the UK capital's crown as a global recruitment leader. The Law Society says that UK...

Italian PM: If EU will not help on immigration, we will leave Eurozone

16:05 01/07/2014
Matteo Renzi, the recently elected Italian premier, says that Italy may withdraw from the Eurozone due to disagreement over the Union's immigration policy. If this were to happen, the EU's economy...

UK Shadow Immigration Minister wants changes to HSMP suspended

16:15 15/06/2007
• Watch This Video In a letter addressed to Immigration Minister Liam Byrne, shadow Immigration Minister Damian Green asked the UK government to suspend changes to the Highly Skilled Migrant...

Simplified visa regime for Russia and the EU

11:04 05/06/2007
• Watch This Video The European Union and Russia will put a simplified visa regime in place beginning from 01 June 2007, a product of talks at the Russia-EU summit in May 2006 in the Russian resort...

European Commission - Eurozone economy strong for 2007

9:29 22/12/2006
According to a European Commission projection this week, the Eurozone economy is strong enough to withstand expected weak U.S. economic performance , higher German taxes and lowered exports for 2007...

EU to invest in development of Africa to slow immigration

12:23 18/07/2006
In the past months there has been a surge of illegal immigrants attempting to leave Africa and enter the EU . While the problem has been on-going for several years, as the EEA begins to heat up and...
