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Nursing visa retrogression in the U.S.

Australian Working Holiday Maker Visa Row due to Staffing Shortage

18:00 15/01/2016
Friction between Australia's Federal Government and the country's tourism industry about the working holiday maker visa is due to a serious staff shortage currently affecting businesses. Business...

Shortage of nursing staff in US

18:03 27/03/2006
The US is suffering from a nursing shortage, with employers and educators resorting to all sorts of tricks to attract and keep nursing staff. In Spartanbury, South Carolina, nurses are eagerly...

US - Changes likely to lead to greater Shortage of Nurses

17:36 14/12/2004
The US government has announced plans to block a shortcut that has allowed thousands of foreign nurses to get their work permits fast-tracked, a move that could worsen a nationwide shortage in nurses...