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Fewer US F1, H1B and L1 visas issued to Indians in 2020

19:12 16/11/2020
According to data released by the US Department of State (DoS), the number of F1 visas issued to Indian students up to September 2020 had slumped by 64% amid the coronavirus pandemic. With US visa...

President Trump and what Americans really think about Immigrants on US visas

0:05 25/01/2017
President Trump won the elections despite what many people may be surprised to hear is a pro immigrant bias amongst the electorate. A new survey conducted by the Pew Research Center - a non-partisan...

Donald Trump wants to help illegal immigrants obtain US immigrant visas!

21:01 19/01/2017
Comments made by incoming US president, Donald Trump , during his ‘Person of the Year’ interview with Time Magazine over illegal immigrants have left US immigration hardliners bewildered. A rare show...

US immigration and possibility of Trump ‘Muslim Registry’

5:13 26/11/2016
There seems to be disagreement amongst President-elect Trump’s transition team about what Donald Trump really wants. “The Donald” also known as the “Glorious Leader” on a neo-nazi website may have...