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Immigration reform

UK population growing fast because of immigration

13:27 07/07/2014
The UK's Office for National Statistics has released its latest mid-year population estimate which suggests that the UK population exceeded 64 million for the first time in mid-2013. The ONS...

US Immigration reform 'unlikely' before 2017

18:44 04/07/2014
President Obama made immigration reform one of his top priorities for his second term. This may, ironically, be why he has not managed to achieve it. Some Republicans in the House of Representatives...

Minister: UK will not bow to business case for increased immigration

19:56 27/06/2014
A junior minister in the UK government has said that the UK will not turn back the clock on its reforms to the immigration system, despite the fact that it would be good for the economy. Nicky Morgan...

Cantor defeat may spell end for US immigration reform

10:00 13/06/2014
The victory of a right wing, anti-immigration candidate in a primary election in Virginia may spell the end for the hope for immigration reform in the US for the next few years. In November 2014,...

US Republicans 'should pass delayed immigration reform'

10:02 30/05/2014
Democratic leader in the US Senate, Senator Harry Reid, has suggested that the Republicans in the House of Representatives (or 'the House' as it is known) should pass immigration reform before August...

Prominent Tea Party activist calls for US immigration reform

12:53 19/05/2014
Sal Russo, a high-profile Tea Party activist, has called on the US Congress to 'fix' the US's immigration system. Mr Russo wrote an opinion piece for the Washington political newspaper Roll Call in...
