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Immigration reform

Senior Republican says no to US illegal immigration reform

18:42 27/08/2013
A senior Republican Congressman has said that he is opposed to the creation of a 'pathway to citizenship' for all illegal immigrants in the US. This may signal a hardening of attitudes of Republicans...

US Senator says immigration reform bill can win support of House

18:56 24/07/2013
A Democratic Congressman, Luis Gutierrez, has said that the comprehensive immigration reform bill currently before Congress has enough support to become law and has called on the Republican leader in...

Obama says US immigration reform wold add $1.4trillion to economy

9:45 16/07/2013
President Obama has attempted to keep up pressure on Congressional opponents of immigration reform by making the economic case for reform. The President told the country that the immigration reform...

Republicans intend to block US immigration reform

16:48 15/07/2013
After a meeting of Republican Congressmen and women on Wednesday 10th July 2013, the prospects for the comprehensive immigration reform bill initially passed by the Senate last month look poor. To...

US Immigration reform bill passes the Senate

12:33 04/07/2013
Comprehensive immigration reform came a step closer in the US on Thursday 28th June 2013 after the US Senate passed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act 2013...

'Prince of Darkness' tells Republicans to back US immigration reform

9:14 04/07/2013
Karl Rove, the controversial advisor to George W Bush has written an article in The Wall Street Journal in which he warns the Republican Party that it will have to 'do better with Hispanics' if it...
